Smartflower can be used with an outside temperature of -20°C up to +50°C. Operational safety of Plus’ battery storage is likewise guaranteed for these temperature figures.

In such an emergency, Smartflower has a built-in emergency battery, which the system drives in the security position. As soon as the currency network is activated again, the system works again automatically in tracking mode. Should you have opted for a Smartflower plus with integrated storage then you will have have electric current in your building as long as the batteries have stored energy.

Smartflower is not compromised should it snow more. Strong motor performance means that even with frost there is no restricted functioning. The system can be used outdoors in temperatures of up to -20°C.

Smartflower has built-in security functions. With the onset of a certain wind strength, it automatically sets on the safety position. That way it can be ensured that in the event of strong storms and bad weather, no damage ensues to the facilities. When wind force subsides again, then the system reverts again to tracking mode. Please take care to note that the set-up of the wind monitor supplied has to be in the immediate environment (<10m) of the facility, as otherwise the safety functions and along with that operation of the facility will not be possible.[/fusion_text][fusion_youtube id="" alignment="" width="" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" video_facade="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

We want to make it as easy as possible for customers to produce their own electricity. However, due to regional differences, some low maintenance will be needed. Please contact us for maintenance requirements.

You can rely on the Austrian quality of our products. For more information about product quality guarantee, please contact us.

We have compiled a list of potential subsidiaries. Please click here for more information.

Building or installation permit and requirements may be needed. Nu-NRG technician and specialist can help you. Please contact us for assessment and support.

Embedding is carried out either by assembly with four screws on ground screws (4-piece, each 1.6 m long), or set on a concrete base (2.05 x 2.05 x 0.3 m). You are free to choose, and for both options we have the most suitable solution ready for you.

Connection to the point of installation is carried out via forklift truck or truck. After your Smartflower system has been set up and installed by your local Smartflower representative, an electrician will connect it to your electricity meter box. This normally takes between one and two hours, and then the facility is directly operational. When you move, you take your privately owned sun power station with you, since disassembly is as easy as initial assembly.

A shadow free surface of 25 m², as well as an electricity feed from the facility to your building.

Storage capacity is determined based on optimal performance yields of a Smartflower system. With the storage options on offer, personal use levels of 80 – 90% are attained according to personal application habits. In theory it is possible to raise the self-sufficiency level to 100% with the application of a large storage unit (>10 kWh). Additional acquisition costs would make no economic sense in relation to use. What is pivotal is the use of small storage units in combination with simultaneously intelligent user control. (i.e, turning on washing machines at midday).

You can use both variants with 2.3 kWh or 4.6 kWh up to 2,500 W constantly; as long as energy is stored in the lithium battery. You can use 6,000 VA briefly (for up to 3 seconds) as start-up current with working machines or freezer chests. You can check the loading status of your storage unit on your smartphone, tablet or internet browser. In this case there is a connection provision for WLAN (cable-less) or LAN (with cable connection) between your Smartflower plus and IT set-up, which is as easy as plugging a smartphone into WLAN, or plugging a computer into your LAN. The hardware for WLAN or LAN connections (LAN cables not included) is installed free as standard in Smartflower plus.

With our all-in-one solar facilities, storage solutions are integrated directly into smartflower plus. smartflower plus has a Victron quality brand integrated Lithium- Iron phosphate storage system. We have differing capacities for this production offer, of 2.3 kWh or 4.6 kWh storage.

Excess electricity is fed into the public network (see the previous point)*. However, Smartflower offers a product version with integrated battery storage in which used energy is stored and can be called up on demand. Region specific differences are possible.

Owner-use is taken to mean covering household electricity requirements through self-produced electricity by means of a photovoltaic facility.

Example: if you have an annual consumption requirement of 3,500 kWh and can cover 60% of it through your photovoltaic facility, then you will save 2,100 kWh per year and 588 kg* of CO2-emissions. The 40% difference (=1,400 kWh) you feed as 100% green electricity into the public grid**, which means you pare down pollutants generally and receive money as a reward.

*1 kWh standard electricity (extracted from the grid, average emission factor for the Austrian grid mix) = 0,28 kg CO2; 1 kWh green electricity (taken from the electricity grid) = 0,03 kg CO2
**not possible in all regions/ countries.

With Smartflower, a level of personal consumption can be attained thus:

  • 60% with an annual electricity consumption of around 3,500 kWh – with a roof-mounted solar panel system only approx. 24%
  • 80% with an annual electricity consumption of around 7,000 kWh – with a roof-mounted solar panel system only approx. 33%
  • 100% with an annual electricity consumption of approx. 10,000 kWh – with a roof-mounted solar panel system only approx. 55%

With Smartflower mainstream build-up can attain personal use levels of up to:

  • 90% with an annual electricity consumption rate of approx. 3,500 kWh
  • 100% with an annual electricity requirement rate of approx. 7,000 kWh

The reason is simple: Smartflower produces electricity all day long, from sunrise to sunset. With a solar panel system, only around midday. The values indicated are subject to change according to region and solar rays received, and are experience-based values which are dependent on your consumption profile.

Smartflower has a nominal output of 2,31 kWp. Conventional roof-mounted photovoltaic systems have a lower yield because of their static installations than theoretically might be possible in any given location. With smart tracking, Smartflower is permanently at a perfect 90° angle to the sun that is how it achieves maximum efficiency. But it is not only astronomical control and dual-axis solar tracking that increase the efficiency of Smartflower, but also the smart cleaning and smart cooling which increase the yield by counteracting heat build-up and contamination. As other photovoltaic facilities do not have these features, this leads to a considerable loss of yield over a long period of time.

An average middle-class European household needs about 3,500 kWh of energy a year. This can be covered in its entirety by Smartflower according to its consumption profile. With Smartflower’s storage options, you can use solar electricity at night.

Average annual energy production depends on the location. The system produces in the region of 3,400 kWh and 6,200 kWh a year. Nu-NRG specialist can calculate the annual yield by location.

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